Masjid Al-Fatimah

Masjid Al-Fatimah

We practice and propagate Islam as a way of life as described by the Prophet Muhammad PBUH and his house hold progeny (Ahlulbayt).

February 8, 2025 – Shaʿbān 8, 1446

Imsak 05:36
Fajr 05:46
Sunrise 07:05
Dhuhr 12:20
Sunset 17:35
Maghrib 17:52

Upcoming Events

Al-Fatimah School

Pre-School Student Registration

Student Registration

The mission for MAF’ Sunday school is to nurture the holistic growth of individuals, families, and communities by creating infrastructure, resources and services in pursuit of and following the teachings of the Noble Qurʾān and Ahl al-Bayt (ʿa)

Registration will resume in August

Al-Fatimah Sunday School

Al-Fatimah Sunday School

The most complete gift of aAllah is a life based on knowledge –
Imam Ali A.S.

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"Enter it in peace, safety"

Quran 15:46


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Scholar Consultation

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